Domain Pointing – An Easy Way to Link Domains to a Web Host

Welcome to our guide on domain pointing – the simple way to link domains to a web host. In this comprehensive article, we’ll explore the concept of domain pointing, shed light on the Domain Name Server (DNS), discuss DNS propagation, and provide a step-by-step tutorial on pointing your domain to a new host. Join us on this informative journey to empower your web development endeavours!

What Is Domain Pointing?

Domain pointing, also referred to as domain forwarding, allows you to direct a registered domain to a specific web host. By connecting your domain, you ensure that visitors who enter your URL in a browser are directed to your website hosted by a preferred provider like MCloud9. This process gives you full control over where your domain name leads, making it a vital step in establishing your online presence.

Understanding Domain Name Server (DNS)

To grasp the concept of domain pointing, it’s essential to understand the role of DNS. DNS acts as the Internet’s equivalent of an address book, translating human-readable domain names into IP addresses that computers understand. By pointing your domain, you update the DNS information, ensuring that requests for your domain are accurately routed to the desired web server.

DNS Propagation – Updating Name Server Records

Once you’ve updated your domain’s DNS records, the process of DNS propagation takes place. DNS propagation refers to the time it takes for the updated DNS information to spread across various DNS servers worldwide. During this period, different internet service providers update their caches with the new DNS records. DNS propagation can take up to 72 hours, although it usually completes within a few hours. Learn more about DNS propagation and how to check the propagation progress in article ‘Breaking Down DNS Propagation and DNS Propagation Checkers‘.

How To Point a Domain Name to a New Host

Now, let’s explore the step-by-step process of connecting your domain to a new web host:

  1. Select your desired hosting provider, such as MCloud9, and obtain the necessary name server addresses.
  2. Access your domain registrar’s client dashboard and locate the DNS settings or nameserver configuration for your domain.
  3. Replace the existing nameservers with those provided by your new hosting provider.
  4. Save the changes and allow time for DNS propagation to occur.
  5. Once the propagation is complete, visitors will be directed to your new web server.

Domain Registrar Considerations

When pointing your domain, it’s crucial to consider your domain registrar’s capabilities. Ensure that your registrar allows modifications to DNS settings and enables you to update nameserver records. If your domain and website are currently managed by different service providers, consult your domain registrar’s support documentation or contact their customer service for assistance.

FAQ for Domain Pointing

What is Domain Pointing?

Domain Pointing is an easy way to link a domain to a web host. This allows visitors to visit your website using the domain you want, even if it doesn’t point to your hosting server.

How do I point my existing domain to a new web host?

To point an existing domain with a different web host, you’ll need to update the name servers associated with that domain. Log into your control panel and you will see instructions on how to do this. You can also contact your domain registration company for help.

What happens if my domain doesn’t point to the correct server?

If your domain doesn’t point correctly, visitors can’t reach it. Make sure that all of the information associated with your domain is up-to-date and accurate so that it points to the correct hosting server.

How do I point a domain to my WordPress site?

Pointing to your WordPress site involves linking your existing domain with the new host. You will need to log into your client control panel and update the nameservers associated with that domain. Once this is done, you should be able to access WordPress from that URL.

Is it helpful to register a domain with my current hosting company?

It’s helpful if the same company is managing both of these services for you. That way, they can handle all of the details related to pointing your nameservers and updating any information with your domain registrar.

What do I do if I want to use an existing domain with another hosting company?

If you want to use an existing domain with another web hosting company, then you will need to update the nameservers associated with that domain in order for it to be connected correctly.

In Conclusion

In conclusion, domain pointing is a straightforward process that establishes a connection between your registered domain and a web host. By comprehending DNS functionality, updating nameserver records, and allowing for DNS propagation, you can seamlessly connect your domain to a new host. Remember to choose a reputable hosting company, such as MCloud9, to ensure a smooth and reliable online presence. Voila! You now possess the knowledge to connect your domain and embark on your web development journey. Happy hosting!

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